Help feed and house the Marshall Fire victims

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! The Outdoor Market Alliance has come together to support our community in their time of need. We are raising money to benefit the Marshall Fire Victims through our friends at The Conscious Alliance in Boulder, CO. 100% of donations pass through to the victims of the recent Marshall fire affecting Boulder County. 1084 homes lost, with another 149 homes damaged. 1000's of family's displaced, in need of food, shelter and support.

We are asking our Outdoor industry and community to donate what is right for you or your business in this tragic time.

More information about The Conscious Alliance: The Conscious Alliance is committed to supporting communities in crisis through hunger relief and youth empowerment. They are currently supporting the Marshall Fire Victims with food and shelter.

More information about the Outdoor Market Alliance: The Outdoor Market Alliance is a collective of 25 independent sales and marketing agencies representing over 175 different brands in the Outdoors, Resort, Run and Bike markets in the Rockies. Based in Lakewood, Colorado.

The OMA is a non-profit association dedicated to supporting community initiatives within the Outdoor Market. Each agency commits time and monetary support to environmental, diversity and inclusivity initiatives.


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